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නීතියේ ආධිපත්‍යය | අලුත් පාර්ලිමේන්තුව | 27 JULY 2022

Writer's picture: Chula GoonasekeraChula Goonasekera

Updated: Oct 13, 2022

This multi-professional interview is an excellent example of a ‘biased’ interview conductor trying to impose a flavoured opinion against a group of people and justify or tone down cruelty activation under the unequal application of the law by the governance. Professional participation is a scapegoat to justify ultimate conclusions as the ideas generated or supported by them, but it is not the case. This kind of discussion has been dominant in our media for years, which is why we are in the current state. There is an apparent attempt to downplay the root causes of the problem with little reference to many people working above the law for their advantage as the cause of the current situation. One must listen to the whole story to understand the subtle division, and the counterattack only surfaces when many people have stopped listening. There is also a repeated effort to show that Sri Lanka is a collection of groups of people rather than Sri Lanka constitutes of Sri Lankans treated with equality. This interview is a good learning piece for people honouring equality in the country, concerning the rights, law and order and opportunity for development or change for the better.

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